Where did the original idea for Red Trunk Project come from?
In the summer of 2014, Kevin Thomsen, Founder of Red Trunk Project, was working on the spoken word version of a book by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn titled “A Path Appears: Transforming Lives, Creating Opportunity.” While recording the book, Kevin had the sudden, burning passion to travel the world and collect the stories of children, and then somehow share those stories with all the other kids on earth. To eventually create a huge web of cultural interconnectedness. Kevin has two adopted daughters — Sefan, 7 years old, from Ethiopia, and Penelope, 14, from the Republic of Georgia. (Sefan is the girl pictured sitting sideways in the Red Trunk.) Red Trunk is dedicated to Sefan and Penelope, and all the other children around the world, who deserve to grow up in a more engaged, more inclusive world.
Why are the trunks red?
As originally imagined, the trunks were going to be blue. A quick Google search found that the World Health Organization has a Blue Trunk program, supplying field hospitals in Africa with up-to-date medical libraries.
Is there a chance Red Trunk Project will come to a school in my area?
We can’t get to every school our first year. Or even our first few years. Our goal is be in every school possible within in the United States within 5 years. Which means, by 2022 we hope to have the distribution capacity to meet the needs of any school in America. Internationally, Red Trunk Project hopes to be in position to be in any classroom, anywhere in the world, by 2027.
If you’d like Red Trunk Project to be in touch with a school in your area, please send us an email at: schools@redtrunkproject.org. This includes any school anywhere in the world. For 2017 and 2018 Red Trunk Project will be focusing on schools in NY and CA, but we’d love to hear from parents, students, teacher, and administrators, wherever you are.
Is Red Trunk Project on social media?
Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Please like and follow us everywhere. We’re very followable.
Besides donating money, how can I get involved?
The most active way you can get is involved is to become an Ambassador. Go to the Red Trunk Project website and sign up! Ambassadors will help to spread the word about Red Trunk Project to friends, family, colleagues, teachers, school administrators, and governmental representatives. Down the road, Ambassadors will be given the tools to fundraise in their area. This is the perfect chance to get involved with Red Trunk Project in a deep and meaningful way.
Is Red Trunk Project, Inc, an official 501(c)(3) entity?
Red Trunk Project, Inc, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation registered in NY State. Your contribution will be tax deductible to the maximum extent of the law.
Can this really happen?
Yes, this can really happen. Because it has to happen. Overcoming prejudice is a necessary step in human evolution. Acceptance and respect of other cultures is part of our shared future.